Day Trading

There’s a Ton of Money to be Made….
You Just Have to Learn How

Rick Warner’s
Day Trading Class

Day Trading can be extremely lucrative.  

But…you absolutely have to know what you are doing.

Very few day traders can be successful without the mentorship of someone who’s ‘been in the trenches’.  This is why the vast majority of day trading courses fall short.  They teach the ‘book stuff’ but don’t follow through with real-life training.  That’s like learning how to ride a bike without actually getting your knees scraped up a little.

Now, here’s the good news.  My Day Trading Course is unique.  The course involves a great deal of classroom work.  But, more importantly, it’s the ‘on the job’  training that refines the skills.

I am extremely proud of my day trading students.  In fact, one student recently had over 200 successful trades in a row.  Another is still a relative "rookie" but is averaging in one day of profits (actually one hour between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM) what it took him a week to make in wages.  That will likely grow as he learns more and more.  Another one of my students has become very adept at day trading options and some of my students "virtually trade" for months before they are ready to trade using real money.

Whatever my students’ needs are, I’m there to help.  I put a lot of individual hours into each day trading student.

Without specialized training, profiting in day trading is virtually impossible.  But, with specialized training, a smart day trader is able to pick out these profit opportunities.  There are dozens of profitable day trading opportunities every day.


Take a look at the chart above.  Those that have taken my class and have received specialized training would have recognized several opportunities just in this small time period.  (Please note: Do not use this chart as a "Guide to Day Trading"… I purposely left out the bulk of the indicators.  The last thing I’d want is for you to lose money from knowing only half the story!)

The point is, day trading opens up a world of otherwise unavailable opportunities for the trader.

But, make no mistake, …my day trading course is not for everyone.

You must first have experience at EOD (End of Day) trading, and have enough capital to handle the increased risk of day trading. To be successful, I suggest that you have one or two mornings (totally) free per week to dedicate to learning.

Typically, I hold my three-day, Day Trading Classes in Tampa.  I keep the class size small, at between 10 to 15 students.   Students bring their laptops and we do intensive classroom work on a Saturday and Sunday.  We go over how to recognize patterns and indicators that help us trade for success.  Then, on Monday, we virtually trade the market.

But, the three-day classroom experience is only the beginning.  Once students finish the classroom work, they begin perfecting their day trading (at home) in an an online ‘Day Trading Room’ with me and other students.

This experience in the Day Trading Room is invaluable.  Not only do I give advice in the Day Trading Room, but the other traders all learn with the ‘give and take’ of the sessions in the room.

Due to the special requirements needed to be successful at day trading, we ask that you contact us directly for more details and fees.

So, give me a call and we’ll talk about it.


Rick Warner D.C.